Sunday, April 22, 2007

As Usual, TBC, You've Foiled My Theory!

It's pretty obvious that I've taken a little while to respond to TBC's latest comments.

Actually - partly, this is because that Arianna Huffington article that TBC provided - to the article, "Virginia Tech Aftermath: Did Legal Drugs Play a Role In The Massacre?" - was very, VERY convincing!

And here, I thought TBC was busy working, SEO-ing and doing various multi-tasking so that he wasn't forming much of an opinion on this matter.....

Boy - was I wrong!

TBC brought me more up to date on the issue - about how Americans are INVESTIGATING this tragedy.

I have to say that in my Canadian coverage (news media, tv, radio, newspapers, mags) that I receive 'up North,' there are a lot of what looks to be 'objective' study about the Vi-Tech tragedy.

I expected a longer 'outrage' burst from the media sources I receive...perhaps this incident had brought a 'clarity' to the public - or - American voices aren't SHOUTING anymore - they are 'debating' and 'informing' and 'problem-solving.'

I have learned to expect many 'uninformed, emotional outbursts' from the North American public when dramatic tragedies occur. I say 'North American' to include Canada in the range of public I am speaking of - because Canadians are often mis-informed by our own media, too. "Drama" receives air-time and show time very often in North American culture - at the expense of 'the inherent facts.' Perhaps this is due to the similar 'freedom of speech' clauses in both American and Canadian Bills of Rights...of which - many North Americans use with abusive or ignorant purpose.

I stand corrected (maybe lol) by the Honorable TBC now - on my viewpoint concerning the 'why' of the Vi-Tech tragedy.

I have more reading to do yet from the excellent links in the Huffington article, and will be back to comment again later.

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