Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Stampede Has Rolled Into Town

Hey TBC! I can tell that you're workin' too hard. You're lucky, however, that you're not doing your line of work in MY NECK OF THE WOODS because the Calgary Stampede is kicking off within HOURS from now...many people have already started partyin', whoopin' it up and everyone is a COWBOY in town all of a sudden haha.

Restaurants, Hotels, etc are all PACKED - many 'tourists' showed up over the long, CANADA DAY weekend and will stay 'til the Stampede is over, almost two weeks from now.

Naturally, discussions have already surfaced about the controversial topic of ANIMAL CRUELTY with regards to Stampede - I thought you'd definitely have an opinion on this topic...

I DEFINITELY DO - moreso - because my family are some of the so-called 'inhumane' contestants in Stampede events. My great-uncle was a back-stretch judge for the Chuckwagon Races as far back as the 60's-70's. Steer-doggers, Chuckwagon drivers, outriders, bullriders and the like are in my family...

So - what do you think? Are you 'On-side' with the animals, thinkin' that Rodeo and Chuckwagon animals are treated cruelly? Or are you 'on-side' with the Cowboys?

Let me know...we have a full 10 days to discuss this lol invite your friends - I'm pretty well-versed in this discussion - having engaged in this debate during this particular 'Stampede Season' yearly for about 30 years!

Actually - as you know - I'm pretty freakin' OLD...but to tell you the truth - I was probably about 8 or 9 years old before I realized that OTHER PEOPLE outside of my family had issues with the 'animal cruelty' debate! I didn't know it was NOT NORMAL to catch animals with a rope and things like fact, many of my family actually do this kind of thing (they are ranchers) off-track and on a regular basis you can take one little guess as to which side of the debate I'll be on...

No cheating - you only get ONE GUESS!



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